Category Archives: Amy Wachtel

Night Clubbing!

A thousand mea culpas, blog readers! The kids are out of school, the car broke down and Chanel Bonfire’s sequel, Heart of Glass has a deadline looming and I have been remiss! A number of fun events in Southern California allowed me to meet more readers and I’ve had more fun with Book Group Skypes too.

But this past week, my rock and roll girlfriend from Chanel Bonfire, Amy Wachtel aka dj Night Nurse was in town for a great show at LA’s Echoplex. Holly Cook (managed by Amy’s beau), Sly and Robbie and Bitty McClean performed. It was a fantastic show and Amy and I picked right up, as we always do.

Back stage we ran into the bloke above: Steve Jones from The Sex Pistols and now host of Jonesy’s Jukebox on radio. I used to phone in from my car while I was working on Chanel and waiting for the kids to get out of school and argue with Jonesy about dates and acts from my 70s London childhood. So it was nice to meet him in the flesh.

Amy’s been staying in Echo Park with her friend Roger Steffens, keeper of the world’s greatest Reggae Archive. This morning, I’m driving Amy to the airport so she can head back to New York. Hope to see her again soon. But I can always listen to her on Radio Lily. And you can too!

NightNurse on Radio Lily

And you can follow us both on Twitter @NightNurse1Love and @wendylawless2


We Interrupt Boston Rock Week for…

A quick reminder that if you’re going to be in Southern California this weekend, I’ll be at the fabulous West Hollywood Book Fair on Sunday!  I’m on a great memoir panel at 1:30PM and will be available afterward to talk and sign copies of Chanel Bonfire which will also be available for purchase!

Now back to Boston Rock Week for a brief mention  of…
Oedipus (aka Edward Hyson)

He was the world’s first punk rock dj.  He started with a punk show at MIT (WTBS now WMBR) in 1975 — the first in the country.  And then in 1977 convinced WBCN to hire him.  He had pink hair when I met him through Amy (Wachtel aka The Night Nurse) when she was interning at the station and renting a room from my mother and seemed at the time wise and mysterious.  He turned out to be neither but he did change radio airplay in Boston and–probably through the influence of thousands of college students returning to their hometowns all over the states–all over the country.


Go to: for all the info!

The Night Nurse

Amy “Night Nurse” Wachtel

My friend Amy (featured in Chanel Bonfire) was the midwife for my introduction to the Boston music scene and, according to Mother, to my “fucking rock-n-roll lifestyle”.  We met at BU and even though we both left, Amy for Emerson and me for my job at the nuthouse aka home in Belmont, we’ve remained friends all these years.  Amy was interning at WBCN while she was at BU and took me to every club and concert she could get on the list for.  She introduced me to Oedipus, the world’s first punk rock dj and through him and his show, Madness and my other lifelong music friend, sax player, Lee Thompson.  Amy’s never left the music scene.  She lives in New York now and has a regular reggae show on Radio Lily which broadcasts live from Miss Lily’s Variety and Bake Shop and Melvin’s Juice Box at 130 W. Houston St. (at Sullivan) in New York City.  Check the schedule and go see her!  Or listen on line or download a podcast.


Rock and Roll Lifestyles

She of the “rock and roll lifestyle”!

My friend Amy Wachtel, the Parliament smoking, Camaro driving rock-n-roll grrl from BU and WBCN, who was locked in our bathroom for eight hours and then told the world of Boston rock about it with me in New York.  She’s still a rock and roll chick.  Check out her “Night Nurse” radio show at
